The Blue Grass Trust for Historic Preservation’s

1990-1999 Award Winners 


Preservation Craftsman:  Frank Ogerchak

Public Service to Preservation:  Dick DeCamp and Gloria Martin

Community Preservation Award:  Aylesford Neighborhood Assoc.

Special Award:  Midway School Project; Miller St. Project

Lucy Shropshire Crump Volunteer:  Beverly Komara

Lucy Graves Advocates for Preservation Award:  Mrs. Edie Bingham

John Wesley Hunt Award:  James C. Thomas


Preservation Craftsman:  Calvin Shewmaker

Public Service:  David Morgan

Community Preservation:  Kentuckiana Farms; Camp Nelson Restoration and Preservation Foundation

Special Awards:  Kentucky River Coal Corporation; Bluegrass African American Preservation Society

Lucy Shropshire Crump:  Digna Mandt

Lucy Graves Award:  Dan Rowland

John Wesley Hunt:  Rose Mary C. Brooks

Education:  Carolyn Murray Wooley


Preservation Craftsman:  Richard Tufnell

Public Service:  Kathleen Pratt

Clay Lancaster Education:  Mary Clay Berry

Community Preservation:  Ann Greely

Special Award:  Lucy Crump; Dean, Ad-Hoc Committee on Historic Preservation, and faculty of College of Design

Lucy Graves:  Mike Meuser

Volunteer Award: Beth Finch and Arlyn Wagner

John Wesley Hunt:  Susan Jackson Keig


Preservation Craftsman:  Charles E. Armstrong

Special Award:  Jeff Ruttenberg

Public Service to Preservation:  James Rebmann

Community Preservation: Saint Paul Roman Catholic Church

Volunteer Award:  Mark Read

Heritage Education: Mary Ann Chamberlain


Preservation Craftsman:  Herbert Caise

Public Service to Preservation:  Bettie Kerr

Community Preservation: Father Tom Farrell, Annunciation Catholic Church in Paris

Special Award:  Kim and Steven McBride

Volunteer Award:  Anne Lee Gaitskill

John Wesley Hunt:  Bettie W. Morris


Heritage Education: Bettye Lee Mastin


Preservation Craftsman:  Don Bolton

Public Service to Preservation Award:  LFUCG for efforts in renovation, including Ashland, the Kentucky Theater, Carnegie Literacy Center, Bell House, and Parker Place

Clay Lancaster Education Award: Dr. Thomas Clark

Community Preservation:  St. Paul AM.E. Church

John Wesley Hunt: Gloria Martin


John Wesley Hunt: Elizabeth Wagner


Preservation Craftsman:  Miles Miller

Public Service:  Debra Hensley

Community Preservation:  Carole Cogswell

Volunteer Service Award:  Barbara Hulette and Thelma Jackson

John Wesley Hunt:  Helene Abel

Respectful Rehabilitation:  John Miller

Preservation of Modern Architecture Award:  Ernst Johnson (UK)