Shea Brown

Shea Brown has been a Deputy Clerk for the Fayette County Clerk’s Office in the Land Records Department for over 24 years. He currently serves as the Special Projects Deputy for the Land Records Department, and he is the Supervising Director of the Digital Access Project (DAP) with the County Clerk’s Office. Mr. Brown has also been the Pastor of Pleasant Valley Baptist Church, Lancaster, Ky for over 17 years. He currently serves as the Dean of Religious Education for the Baptist Unified Christian Leadership Conference and for the South District Missionary Baptist Association, both of which belong to the General Association of Baptist in Kentucky, an Association established since 1865 that currently represents around 500 African-American Baptist churches through the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Mr. Brown serves as a Board Member and African-American Advisory Council for the Ashland Henry Clay Estate Memorial Foundation. He is also a member of the African-American Genealogy Group of Kentucky and the Lexington History Museum. Either as a College Adjunct Instructor, Co-Mentor and Educator or as an Orator, Mr. Brown has provided numerous educational lesson plans, curriculum, presentations, lecturers, teaching, and training in areas of real estate law, county clerk records, black history, and Biblical theology. Mr. Brown is a college graduate with many honors and academic achievements. He is married to Marlena Brown and he is the son of Gail Brown, father of Tenise Brown, and a grandfather of two sweet girls.