Deidra Dennie
Dr. Deidra Dennie’s professional career spans approximately 25 years. She has held a variety of professional positions including executive director of Affirmative Action, a diversity and inclusion practitioner, human resource leader, chief diversity officer and social justice warrior. Dr. Dennie’s commitment to diversity, inclusion and equity is rooted in social justice and equity, using these tools to dismantle oppressive systems and transform organizations. Dr. Dennie is employed by Transylvania University as the Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion. Deidra holds a doctorate in Public Administration from Valdosta State University, is a certified Change Management Practitioner and a licensed facilitator for FranklinCovey in Unconscious Bias. Dr. Dennie loves community service and works with various regional and local boards: Affordable Housing Commission of Lexington, Leadership Anne Arundel, NAACP, National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE). She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Beta Gamma Omega Chapter.